For a limited time only, we are offering FREE consultations and FREE digital smile simulations along with our best-ever price on Invisalign treatment. Dr. Chawla and her team invite you to see how your teeth could look after straightening with Invisalign aligners! Don't miss this opportunity to have all your questions about Invisalign treatment answered and to get the most affordable price on treatment. Offer valid through 4/30/2023.

Limited spaces available - Call or text us at (360) 836-8398 to book your time slot.



Get the straight, stunning smile you want - no braces required!

Dr. Chawla and her friendly team provide the community of Vancouver and Portland metro area the best in Invisalign® technology. This is a fantastic system that straightens your teeth without the use of traditional braces. Invisalign® treatment uses a series of custom made trays, called aligners, that are specifically designed for you to gently move your teeth in the right place.

How Invisalign® treatment works

The process of designing and creating your aligners involves attention to detail and careful planning by the doctor. The movement of each tooth must be meticulously planned in designing your aligners so that you get your best smile. Once the initial set up is received from the technician, Dr. Chawla will design and stage the movement of each tooth to best suit the treatment goals, only then she will order your aligners to be manufactured.


Your Aligners

Each one of your aligners are made specifically to fit your teeth based on 3D mapping of the inside of your mouth. Each aligner will place pressure on your teeth in different ways in order to strategically move them into place. This pressure is very gentle and yet works quickly!

A big advantage of Invisalign® treatment over braces is that you do not need to come into our office as frequently and the appointments are shorter.


Our Doctor

Dr. Chawla was consulted during the creation of Invisalign® technology. She is a certified Invisalign provider and has been using this treatment method since its inception. She has enhanced the smiles of hundreds of patients in her practice and looks forward to helping you achieve straighter teeth and a radiant smile that you can be proud of.